Waterline Renewal Technologies

Water Surveys Benefit San Diego Residents

Water Surveys Benefit San Diego Residents

Free residential survey programs are available to property owners and tenants located within the City of San Diego Public Utilities Department’s service area.  This City-wide program is offering free-of-charge single-family and multifamily (up to eight units) water surveys to water customers who pay their water bills to the City of San Diego. As part of this program, a Water Conservation Representative will tour your property to identify leaks and water-saving opportunities. Participants can receive water-saving equipment and information, including low-flow showerheads, faucet aerators and other free items. The Representative will also evaluate your landscape and irrigation systems. Since this program emphasizes customer education, it is important the tenant/occupant be present at the time of the survey. The Multi-Family Survey is a new program developed by the Public Utilities, Water Conservation Section to help multi-unit properties decrease their water use. The two types of multi-family surveys that are currently available are:

  • Short Survey: With this approach, the water surveyor trains the maintenance person on how to check for water leaks, measure water flow (showerheads, toilet, and kitchen faucets), and check for toilet leaks. The maintenance person then conducts a survey of each unit, completes the required paperwork and submits it to Water Conservation. If the property has landscape, an irrigation specialist will review irrigation and landscape and make recommendations to reduce water. After submittal, an analytical report is generated within two to four weeks which explains water savings and offers recommendations for both interior units, and exterior landscape.
  • Water-Wise Business Survey Program:
    This program provides a customized review of commercial landscape water usage, including an on-site visit to identify areas where water use efficiencies can be achieved and effectively implemented. Recommendations can help customers use water more efficiently and save energy.

Water Surveys Benefit San Diego Residents

Water Surveys Benefit San Diego Residents (2) Water Surveys Benefit San Diego Residents

Waterline Renewal Technologies
Waterline Renewal Technologies